Welcome To Divine Group Compliance And HR Section

Over 8,000 people are now in the payroll of Divine Group, where as the number was only 800. So, the growth of the house has also contributed wealth as well as welfare to the struggling economy of Bangladesh.

Divine Group is also one of the elite private sector business groups in Bangladesh that maintains ILO, Buyer CoC and Local Law standards in every aspect of compliance. It ensures while recruiting and through in-house training that all its staffers are shameless in terms of education, skills, awareness and motivation. The gender ratio male : female = 55% : 45%. is quite balanced. It also doesn't allow any child labor in any connection/stage of its operations.

Contact Details

Head Office:
House # 348, Road # 26
New DOHS Mohakhali, Dhaka
Phone- 88-02-9886163
Email: info@divinetextile.com

Factory Address-1:
Palli Biddut, Chandra
Kaliakoir, Gazipur

Factory Address-2:
Kewa, Sreepur

Factory Address-3:
Chowgacha, Jashore

For further details Please download our company profile

***Divine Hotel And Convention Centre***