Welcome To Divine Spinning Division

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Spinning process is the first step to produce textile layout such as garments, fabric, home textile, and so on. Originally, textile Fibers were spun into yarn by hand using a spindle whorl. But now this has been replaced by advanced technology of mechanical spinning carried out in spinning mills today.

Born solely out of the need to ensure best quality and accuracy, Divine Spinning Mills Ltd. is the backward linkage of Divine Textiles Ltd. It was launched in Jun-2017 with state of the art equipment.

Let’s have a view of the spinning process in Divine Spinning Mills Ltd.

Capacity : 16 Tons Per day


Research & Development

Every step of the manufacturing process starting from cotton Fiber to yarn is checked and standardized according to Buyer expectation. This is achieved through the help of advanced machineries as mentioned above as well as others like Smart Block, Fibro Block, Compu Twist, Auto Wrap, Auto Winder, Elestretch, Digi Moisture, Force Gauge, Digital Troboscope, RH Controller.

The R&D department continuously analyzes, develops, and fine tunes where needed in order to produce yarn of the finest quality.

Product Type

Count Range : 8 Ne ~ 40 Ne
7 OE ~ 20 OE

100 % Cotton: Combed yarn, Carded Yarn, Slub Yarn, Compact Yarn, OE yarn.

Production Capacity per Day = 16000 Kg’s.


Contact Details

Head Office:
House # 348, Road # 26
New DOHS Mohakhali, Dhaka
Phone- 88-02-9886163
Email: info@divinetextile.com

Factory Address-1:
Palli Biddut, Chandra
Kaliakoir, Gazipur

Factory Address-2:
Kewa, Sreepur

Factory Address-3:
Chowgacha, Jashore

For further details Please download our company profile

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